Adventures in Poor Taste rates Future Foundation #1 an 8.5!
The Future Foundation is a fairly recent addition to Marvel’s teams, but they are a natural addition to the universe that have felt like they belonged from their inception. Whitley and Robson have delivered a wonderful return for the team, showing exactly what makes them stand out from the rest of the universe and why they’re so fun to read.
Gullapalli, Vishal. “Future Foundation #1 Review”, Adventures in Poor Taste. 7 August 2019.
Weird Science Marvel Comics offers up a few spoilers, and gives the book an 8.3/10!
Whitley sprinkles in subtle humorous elements and banter between the characters showing the family dynamic of the team while introducing the cast of characters for new readers who are leaping into the series with a fresh take on the Fantastic Four series. New readers will fall in love with this team while old fans of Hickman’s FUTURE FOUNDATION will latch on to this incarnation awaiting the clever tales to come. The only aspect missing from the issue was Valeria and Franklin Richards. This reviewer hopes they can rejoin the team in the future.
dispatchdcu. “Future Foundation #1 Review”, Weird Science Marvel Comics. 7 August 2019.